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TLIF Kākano 1 1703/20

We are into our third week of the more focussed TLIF programme in Kākano 1. This programme consists of:  1. A visual morning check in routine.  Each day as part of their morning routine children need to move their photo to show how they have come into school feeling. This is often done with their parents as well which can provide lots of good discussion around why they might be feeling that way. In our morning hui we look at how everyone is feeling and discuss what we can do to build up and support our friends who are not feeling great. Children can change these during the day as feelings change.  2. Going out for a class game 4 times a week.  We have spent the last two weeks learning to play one game - Islands. This game requires the class to work together to beat the teacher. They can only win if they are all working together to ensure they are following the rules of the game.  This game fits in the first concept of the “Play is the Way” curriculum: Treat oth

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TLIF in Koru 2