TLIF in Koru 2

There are three main components to the TLIF programme taking place in Koru 2.

- Morning check-in and explicit circle time focus areas: The morning check-in is done at roll time. The children will respond with a word, to sum up how they're feeling. Occasionally I will use the thumb-o-gram to see where everyone is at. 
Circle time takes place three times a week minimum. I've been following the Grab and Go Circle Time manual for this which includes themes like inside and outside hurts, saying sorry and blaming versus fixing.

- Games: Almost every day the class will be involved in a game that challenges their emotional response. Three times a week this will be a fitness-based game. I usually hold back during these sessions and we address the hurts or frustrations at the end.

Once a week these games are board games. This will give me an opportunity to question the children about how they're responding and link it to their learning about the brain.

-Explicit teaching about the brain and resilience: Once a week I will be taking lessons that focus on the brain and resilience. Lessons will include focus areas such as how the brain functions, mindfulness and response strategies.

The children will record their reflections and learning in a book titled Taha Hinengaro - Mental and Emotional Wellbeing.  


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