TLIF Kākano 1 1703/20

We are into our third week of the more focussed TLIF programme in Kākano 1. This programme consists of: 

1. A visual morning check in routine. 

Each day as part of their morning routine children need to move their photo to show how they have come into school feeling. This is often done with their parents as well which can provide lots of good discussion around why they might be feeling that way. In our morning hui we look at how everyone is feeling and discuss what we can do to build up and support our friends who are not feeling great. Children can change these during the day as feelings change. 

2. Going out for a class game 4 times a week. 

We have spent the last two weeks learning to play one game - Islands. This game requires the class to work together to beat the teacher. They can only win if they are all working together to ensure they are following the rules of the game. 

This game fits in the first concept of the “Play is the Way” curriculum: Treat others how you would like them to treat you.  

The children thoroughly enjoyed learning and playing this game. The class must work cohesively to be successful. This requires quick thinking, rapid decisions making and the willingness to be considerate, inclusive and helpful. 

Before going out to play the game we would always refer back to the rules (a visual for this is helpful) and discuss any frustrations we may have had in the previous session and what we could do to avoid those things this time. (These discussions can also be included in circle times) We may also stop during the game, discuss what is going wrong, problem solve, then get back into it. 

3. Regular teaching of circle time. 

The goal is to teach circle time at least 3 times a week. We are working through the Circle Time for Junior Primary Kit. Our main focus initially is learning to sit in a circle and follow the rules as well as have fun playing the warm up games. This is good time to talk about how things are going with our outdoor games. 

I am finding I haven’t been teaching CT as much as I should, and am thinking of swapping CT to the first part of our day and having our morning hui in CT format. Generally in the afternoons Kākano 1 are too tired for CT.

4. Taha Hinengaro Journal. 

The next step is focussed teaching around feelings, self regulation and the brain. We have set up the journal to document our learning. So far I have conducted some pre assessment around feelings identification, what do you do when you’re angry, and what can you do to calm your brain. When looking at pictures depicting children displaying 8 different feelings, most children could only identify 3/8. Happy, sad and angry. This shows a need for work in this area. 

We also use the journal to reflect on our outside games and how we felt during the game. 

5. Board Games 

Each Friday during the middle block we have been having a dedicated board game time. Each week we introduce two new games and work with a group each to teach and support children playing the game fairly, by the rules. 

This time has been very interesting as it has become obvious that not many of our children have not been exposed to games at home. There are lots of skills being taught during this time from simply learning how to roll the dice, to turn taking and dealing with winning and losing. Another thing I have noticed so far is many children don’t seem to have the attention span to stick with a game if the pace of it is not moving fast enough for them! 


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